Thursday, April 22, 2021

FAIR WINDS AND FOLLOWING SEAS...What the Heck Does That even Mean?

<Flashback Friday…someone used a phrase the other day that I’d heard very often throughout my thirty years as a military spouse, but rarely hear in the civilian world. And when I heard it, I tried to remember what it meant. No luck. (This getting older thing is no joke!) Thank goodness I wrote this blog a decade ago that I could quickly refresh my memory. And I thought maybe some of my blog visitors would be interested to have their memories refreshed, or maybe learn something new. So here is a repeat post from April 2, 2012.>>

 At a recent Hail and Farewell (a party wherein new reports to the command are welcomed and those departing are bid a fond adieu), the Lieutenant heading off to Norfolk was offered the traditional wishes of “Fair winds and following seas.”  Since I’ve been around the Navy world for almost 30 years, I’ve heard this phrase uttered hundreds, if not thousands, of times.  But (and this may be a sign of maturity on my part) this time it got me to wondering what exactly it meant.  So I let my fingers do the surfing through the cyber world, and I thought I’d save y’all from duplicating my efforts and today seems a good opportunity to share my newly acquired knowledge.

Thursday, April 8, 2021



     The first thing any good detective does when entering a crime scene is to look for clues. Not just a quick once over, but an inch-by-inch detailed inspection for a stray hair, an unexplained fingerprint, or anything out of the ordinary. Every detail is documented, for it may become important later in the investigation.