Thursday, December 30, 2021

SAUERKRAT FOR BREAKFAST? An Unusual New Year's Day Tradition

Oh, the trials and tribulations of being raised under the heavy mantle of family traditions. My mother, of German heritage, insisted that the first thing to pass our lips in the new year was a bite of sauerkraut. Easy for her, as she partied while the clock struck midnight and washed down her nibble of GOOD LUCK with (many) sips of the bubbly. Those of us early-to-bedders (at the insistence of a mean babysitter!) had the misfortune of being served sauerkraut for breakfast. Trust me when I say it does not pair well with Cap’n Crunch. Hence, my lifelong avoidance of sauerkraut (unless it tops a thick Ruben sandwich, and then only sparingly!)

Friday, December 17, 2021

'TIS THE SEASON, a Holiday Poem by Jayne

 <<I wrote this many years ago when my husband was deployed over the holidays. I read it every year to remind myself that military folks remain on station while we here stateside celebrate the season.>>

...of warm sugar cookies and jingle bells ringing;
of sleighs full of toys and carolers singing;
of Santas and Scrooges and tinsel and lights;
of long snowy walks with a loved one at night.

Thursday, December 2, 2021


     My parents always ascribed to the motto that Vacations Must be Educational. I have eschewed that concept all of my adult life. I prefer my vacations to be relaxing and fun (aside from those that doubled as official Permanant Change of Station moves in conjunction with my husband's military career. Got to "See the USA" on Uncle Sam's dime!) 

     Imagine my surprise when my recent island escape turned enlightening!

     Over the recent holiday we tripped to Dauphine Island, AL to meet our grandson for the first time. Trust me when I say there is no better way to spend Thanksgiving. We were gone ten days, and during that time I added a lot of knowledge to my stack of life lessons. 

  • I learned…that changing dirty diapers is like riding a bike! (This grandma’s still got skills!) Same for getting on the ground to play. Getting up…well…that’s a different story.