Thursday, January 13, 2022

BOOK THE BAND...You'll Want to Celebrate This National Day of Observance!

In my continuing quest to help you, my faithful readers, keep abreast of the important National Days of Observances (let’s be honest, there are a LOT of them) I hereby notify you there is a really BIG one coming up on Sunday. Mark your calendars. You want to celebrate. Trust me.

“What is it,” you ask? Why, January 16th is the day the world stops, and we celebrate National Fig Newton Day! Whether you like them or not I’m sure you are all familiar with the “Oooey gooey rich and chewy inside/Golden flakey tender cakey outside” treat. Better stock up now before the word gets out.

But it got me to thinking…do you know the cookie’s history? Yeah, me neither until I took a deep dive into the tasty subject.