Thursday, July 21, 2022


<<In case you missed this one on our Sand in our Shorts blog...>>

It’s that time of year, you know, beach season. A time to pack up your beach bag and escape to the shore for bit of fun and sun (and in my case, the inevitable sunburn).

Popular activities which can only be enjoyed at the beach include body surfing, boogie boarding, sand-castle building, and fighting off seagulls for the last potato chip on your plate.

As the sun goes down, you repack your bag and head for a local beach dive bar. Popular post-day-at-the-beach drinks include Pina Colada, Mojito, Orange Crush, and the much less popular but certainly appropriate Seagull Wine. Not something I've ever heard of, but I'm picturing a nice pinot gris with a soaring seagull on its label. I could not be more wrong.

Those of you with a curious mind will have your finger twitching on your mouse to scamper off to Google-land. I’ll save you the trouble.

Seagull Wine, a delightful delicacy, is said to be first invented by the Inuits. Its recipe is alarmingly straightforward; put a dead seagull into a bottle, fill it with water and leave it in the sun until it has fermented. One who purports to have tried the concoction is Suzanne Donahue who described it thusly: “If you opened up a Toyota’s Carburetor and drank the leftover fluid from inside, that would be pretty close. It goes down hard and settles in even worse. But I must say it sure gets people inebriated in a hurry. And the next day’s hangover is nothing short of spectacular. You’ll feel like you’ve been repeatedly beaten over the head by a giant…well, seagull.” <<Source:>>

Seems a fitting end to the creature who stole my last potato chip. But, well, yuck. My advice...stick to the Orange Crushes. 

Time to head home, sun-sapped, liquored up, and happy as the proverbial clam (the whole-belly variety which you may, or may not have enjoyed, deep fried and crunchy and drenched in aioli dipping sauce). You’ll take with you wonderful memories, a rejuvenated spirit, and the free souvenir which every beach goer takes home…sand in your shorts. Wow, what a feeling!

Happy Summer!

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