Thursday, November 29, 2012

Beach News: Guest Blog Gig at Dru's Book Musings

For those of you in need of an Ellery and Sam fix, hop on over to Dru’s Book Musings blog to read about a day in the life of Ellery Tinsdale.  The post is titled “Laissez le Bon Temps Roules,” because those of you who know me know I put a little bit of myself in everything I write, so this one has a bit to do with one of my favorite military spouse social outings, BUNCO. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Beach Tale: Writing the Cozy Mystery

When I tell people “I write cozy mysteries”, about half of the people say, “Wow.  That’s cool.”  Pause while they think about that.  “What the hell is a cozy mystery?”  The other half say, “Wow. That’s cool.”  Then they pull out their i-phones and Google the term.  Well, some Google it.  Most just continue on through life never really knowing. 
So let’s take a moment to talk about everything you’ve always wanted to know about cozy mysteries, but were afraid to ask.  First stop, Merriam Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary.    
Mystery: a piece of fiction dealing usu. with the solution of a mysterious crime. 

Cozy:  Enjoying or affording warmth and ease.  Snug.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Beach Tale: Coming Down the Home Stretch!

          O.M.G.  I am so excited.  This project is almost done.  Then I get to put on my decorating hat and “cozy” it up.  Just a few more subcontractors in and voilá, we’re ready for guests. Or tenets.  Or a neighborhood cocktail party, at the very minimum. 
          So first thing we need is a Trim Guy.  I’m going to admit my naiveté because I didn’t even realize I’d need a Trim Guy but when the plumber showed up (he was the very first contractor at the very beginning of this project) he asked me if I needed a Trim Guy.  I said “Yes,” because obviously I did.  He gave me a name, and I’m really glad I made that call, because there was no way we were capable of doing trim work ourselves.  Where is that General Contracting for Dummies book, anyway?   

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Beach Tale: "Fall Back"

          As I was walking Jamaica (my dog) this morning and the first rays of sunrise glistened off the bay, it occurred to me that if I wanted to see a sunrise tomorrow I would have to take my canine companion for a walk at 5 a.m. instead.  So I enjoyed my last sunrise experience, for the time being anyway, and my thoughts turned to the idea of Daylight Savings.  I had researched the concept (hoping to gain some understanding of the whacky time adjustment) a few years ago and thought this would be a great time to share what I’d learned with my loyal blog readers.